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Hare of the Dog, Inc
Wildlife Rehabilitation

What we do

We are a 501c3 nonprofit based in Massachusetts. Our goal and purpose is to treat/raise injured and orphaned wildlife to successfully return them to the wild. 

Our supporters make that happen by donating supplies and funds so we can do what we do best.

What we do couldn't be done without you!

Found an animal?

Text or message Mariel!

Include the following if possible

  • The town the animal is in      

  • A picture/video.       

  • The background story:)   

Mariel or someone from the team will get back to if possible. ​

Keep using the Find a Rehabber site as we get remarkably busy and sometimes have to  prioritize our time to caring for the animals already in our care (especially in spring and summer)

Contact Us

Pembroke, MA

774-277-0755 Text Preferred

Thanks for submitting!

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